CrossBox Cluster
Unified Communication Across Different Servers
A cluster can contain any number or combination of Standalone, DirectAdmin, cPanel or Plesk servers — allowing you to unify communication experience for all your customers, across different server types and configurations.

With MailProxify, you can abstract dozens of IMAP/SMTP/POP3 hostnames into a single one.
The floating hostname works for any device or application, and the cluster is simply seen as a single server, even with dozens of slave servers behind it.
The domain gets automatically resolved, and mail traffic routed to the slave server holding the email account.
As you scale, you can add or remove servers from your cluster, and the routing gets automatically applied to the floating IMAP/SMTP/POP3 hostname(s).
In combination with White-label, your resellers and clients can create their own branded IMAP/SMTP/POP3 floating hostnames.
Efficient IMAP/SMTP/POP3 proxy protocols written in Golang can handle 10K connections per 1CPU and 1GB of RAM.

MX One
MX One service provides a single MX record for the entire
It works for any device or application, and the cluster is simply seen as a single mail server, even with dozens of slave servers behind it.
Automatically routes mail traffic through the appropriate slave server holding the email account.
Easier customer onboarding with Autodiscover/Autoconfig support.
Easier migration of users between servers, as there is no need to change the MX record. The domain's mail traffic gets automatically rerouted to the new server.
As you scale, you can add or remove servers from your cluster, and the routing gets automatically applied to the floating MX hostname(s).
Acts as a backup server at the same time. Queues emails if the destination slave server is unavailable and redelivers emails automatically once the server is up again.
In combination with White-label, your resellers and clients can create their own branded floating MX hostnames.

Single Webmail
Makes it possible to have a single Webmail URL that works for the entire
No unnecessary IMAP/SMTP configurations for the users — They only need an email address and a password.
Users can recover access to email addresses themselves using multiple recovery options.
In combination with White-label, your resellers and clients can create their own branded Webmail hostnames.
In combination with the App Connector, cluster integration of popular apps like Roundcube and Nextcloud is also possible.