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Advanced Search
Doesn't it suck when your search returns irrelevant results? Or even nothing at all? With CrossBox, you can track down anything, even a deeply buried email attachment you received years ago.
What parameters can I use in my search?
You can base your search around many criteria:
- Contains
- Doesn't contain
- Sender
- Subject
- To, Bcc, CC
- State (all, seen, unseen)
- Flagged (all, important, unimportant)
- Size (greater than, less than) KB/MB
- Range (start date, end date)
Does the search include attachments' file names?
Yes. CrossBox will try to find an attachment whose file name matches your search query.
Can I search only emails containing attachments?
Yes. You can accomplish this by using the size filter. For example, you can only search for emails that are larger than 1MB in size.