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All Accounts In One Place

Easily connect Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Yandex, AOL, or any other IMAP account and access everything from a single interface.

What major providers are supported?

You can add Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Yandex, AOL or any other provider that supports IMAP and SMTP protocols.

Can I add custom IMAP/SMTP accounts?

Yes, any external account that supports IMAP and SMTP protocols is supported.

What are app passwords?

Major email providers won't allow access with a regular password. Instead, you need to create an "app password" and use that to log in. Here are the provider-specific guides for creating app passwords:

Can I remove an external account that I added?

Sure! Go to Settings -> Other -> Delete

Can I change IMAP/SMTP settings for the external account?

Yes. Go to Settings -> Mail -> IMAP/SMTP. Here you can configure following:

  • Incoming (IMAP) hostname, encryption type (SSL/TLS or STARTTLS) and port
  • Outgoing (SMTP) hostname, encryption type (SSL/TLS or STARTTLS) and port

How many external accounts can I connect?

There is no limit on the number of accounts you can connect to. All data that the external accounts produce is counted against your main account quota.